The UNIZG-FER is the highest-quality member of the University of Zagreb, with a large and modern infrastructure devoted to research-based education. Currently UNIZG-FER participates in more than 20 projects financed by EU through various grant schemes (FP7, IPA, COST, ...). U The Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies (LABUST) is a research group within the Department of Control and Computer Engineering at the UNIZG-FER. At present, the Department consisting of 14 professors and 40 researchers. LABUST research results, equipment level and capacity for globally relevant research has immensely profited from the FP7 CURE project (Uhttp://cure.fer.hrU).
Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies - LABUST research group holds expertise in marine robotics: development and adaptation of marine vehicles (3 AUVs, 1 ASV); acoustic networks and sonars; identification, navigation, guidance and control of marine vessels; cooperative and coordinated formations of marine vehicles. LABUST is currently coordinating one FP7 project (CADDY - Cognitive Autonomous Diving Buddy) and is partner in FP7 EUROFLEETS2 and ECHO-DG - Autonomous underwater vehicles ready for Oil Spill. In the last 5 years the group has participated in 6 international and 3 national projects related to marine robotics. The LABUST group has experience in developing guidance and control software for industry (VideoRay, USA; LD TravOcean, France). LABUST is a light member of HYCON2 network of excellence. They have organized 6 annual field trainings “Breaking the Surface” with the purpose of conducting multidisciplinary research within marine biology, archaeology and security.